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«Biogeosystem Technique» – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7316

Периодичность – 2 раза в год.

Издается с 2014 года.

2 December 25, 2019

1. Galina V. Kharitonova, Nikolai V. Berdnikov, Valeria O. Krutikova, Gantumur Sambuu, Evgeny V. Kharitonov
Sands of the Curonian Spit

Biogeosystem Technique, 2019, 6(2): 67-82.
DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2019.2.67CrossRef

The Curonian Spit, a massive sandy barrier separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea, is one of the unique places in Europe. It stretches as a narrow (ranging from 0.4 to 3.8 km in width) slightly concave arc for 98 km (46 km in Russia and 52 km in Lithuania) from the Peninsular of Kaliningrad to the city of Klaipeda. The main environmental problem of the Spit is the wind movement of the sands. The sand-fixing works were initiated in the second half of the XVIII and continues to this day, but the problem of sand fixing is still relevant. However the formation of relatively stable columnar and layered sand structures was observed on the lagoon and the sea coast. The task of this work was to determine the reasons for the formation of such structures, which is important for the continuation of work on strengthening the coastal zone of the Spit. The main methods used in this work were scanning electron microscopy and EDS analysis for determining the morphology and composition of particles, laser and x-ray diffractometry for determining the size distribution and the mineralogical composition of particles. The study was focused on sands of the coastal line, where wind activity is greatest. Sands of the sea and lagoon coast differ not only in the size of the predominant fraction and morphology of particles, but also in the type of relatively stable structures formed by them (layered structures of horizontal stratification on the sea coast and columnar sands on the lagoon coast respectively). The formation of sandy contact-aggregate structures (contacts of the edge-to-edge and face-to-face type, respectively) occurs with the participation of clay structural bridges, without them the sands remain incoherent. The use of lagoon marl with a high content of fine particles and CaCO3 can be very promising for creating such clay-sand structures, fixing and stabilization of the sands.

URL: http://ejournal19.com/journals_n/1580129420.pdf
Number of views: 852      Download in PDF

2. Anna Yu. Krupinnikova, Elena V. Pechatnova
Ranking of Areas of Barnaul for Air Pollution

Biogeosystem Technique, 2019, 6(2): 83-90.
DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2019.2.83CrossRef

The article is devoted to the problem of air pollution in large cities and the need for its research, taking into account territorial features (zoning of the city). Much attention is given to studies of Russian and foreign scientists in this area. The aim of the investigation is to study the influence of the territorial features of the districts of the capital of the Altai Territory – the city of Barnaul on the air environment by calculating a generalized indicator that could be used as a basis for improving quantitative environmental assessment procedures. The analysis of the state of atmospheric air in the city of Barnaul for the winter period: December-February 2019 was carried out to calculate the generalized indicator. The main source of information was the daily data of the Altai Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring on exceeding the maximum permissible concentration in each of the five districts of the city for six pollutants: carbon monoxide, suspended solids, nitrogen dioxide, carbon (soot), phenol, formaldehyde. Using the method of two-stage ranking, the integrated indicator of the level of air pollution in each district was calculated based on the rating of the regions. The calculation method can be applied for similar purposes in a comparative assessment of the ecological state of the districts of any cities. The results of the study are presented on a city map using the color scale. Areas with the most complex and most favorable environmental conditions have been identified. The analysis of the causes has been carried out, among the leading factors of air pollution in the city the following are highlighted: the main characteristics of the transport network in the district, the presence of industrial enterprises and the peculiarities of wind rose in the period under review. In conclusion, options for improving the situation are proposed, among which the leading one is to change the path of movement of transit transport, currently following through the regional capital.

URL: http://ejournal19.com/journals_n/1580129432.pdf
Number of views: 792      Download in PDF

3. Anton Z. Mindubaev, Alexandra D. Voloshina, Natalia V. Kulik, Dmitry V. Ryzhikov,, Tatiana A. Barsukova, Yaw A. Akosah, Salima T. Minzanova, Lubov’ G. Mironova
Biodegradation of White Phosphorus – a Dangerous Industrial Contaminant

Biogeosystem Technique, 2019, 6(2): 91-101.
DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2019.2.91CrossRef

Possibility of white phosphorus degradation under the effect of waste water sludge (WWS) of waste-water treatment facilities is shown for the first time. White phosphorus to suppress the microorganisms growth not immediately after application, but in several days or even weeks. It means that toxic effect is conditions by the presence of intermediate products of degradation, which are accumulated in substrates. Considering the change in evolved gaseous products composition one can make a conclusion about greater stability of eubacteria to white phosphorus compared to that of methanogens. Microorganisms cultures are obtained, growing on substrata with white phosphorus content 0.01 and even 0.1 %. The Р4 concentration decrease in media is in inverse proportion to the duration of microflora growth lag-phase, as it was demonstrated by GCMS method. This fact indicates at the white phosphorus biodegradation process. Besides, in the present work the research work is presented, devoted to the search for the white phosphorus metabolites, and the probable way of the phosphorus metabolism is proposed for the first time. Inoculation of stable bacteria on synthetic medium, containing white phosphorus as a unique source of phosphorus, has demonstrated the possibility of their growth in such conditions.

URL: http://ejournal19.com/journals_n/1580475445.pdf
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4. Anton Z. Mindubaev, Edward V. Babynin, Elena K. Badeeva, Salima T. Minzanova, Lubov’ G. Mironova
The Effect of Culture Media Composition and Microorganism Species Affiliation on the Biological Destruction of White Phosphorus

Biogeosystem Technique, 2019, 6(2): 102-113.
DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2019.2.102CrossRef

The presented study compared the growth of Aspergillus niger strain AM1 in culture media varying in composition but containing P4 as the sole source of phosphorus. Of the ten media, two in which Aspergillus grew the fastest were selected. These media were concluded to be optimal for growth. Comparing the compositions of the media and the growth rate of Aspergillus in them, we found a key component that is a favorable factor for the growth of AM1 and the biodegradation of white phosphorus. This component was sodium nitrate (NaNO3). It has also been shown that copper sulphate (CuSO4) has no effect on the growth of Aspergillus in media with white phosphorus, regardless of the composition of these media. This result is in harmony with our previous findings. Furthermore, in the present work, attempts to increase the concentration of white phosphorus in the culture medium to values above 1 % are described for the first time. For this purpose, we added the following solvents to the culture media: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and diesel, in which white phosphorus dissolves relatively well. Apparently, the presence of these substances adversely affects the growth of Aspergill. Therefore, the problem of further increasing the concentration of P4 remains an unanswered. White phosphorus, reacts with ions of divalent copper even at room temperature. and the Pridham-Gottlieb medium, which we have chosen for our purposes, contains copper sulfate in its composition. The addition of an emulsion of white phosphorus led to the formation of a black precipitate, which is evidence that a chemical reaction took place. Thus, the growth of microorganisms occurred in the presence of not so much white phosphorus as the products of its chemical transformations, and the experiments were not completely clean. Therefore, in the present study, we carried out further modification of the Pridham-Gottlieb nutrient medium, excluding from it not only phosphates as a source of phosphorus, but also copper sulfate. In addition, we compared the white phosphorus resistance of our A. niger strains AM1 and AM2, with three strains from the All-Russian Collection of Microorganisms (ARCM) (strains FW-650, FW-2664 and FW-2731), as well as four different bacterial species. Though highest resistance was observed in strain AM1, the three strains of A. niger, sent from ARCM, also showed a higher resistance to white phosphorus than the bacteria. It was shown that exclusion of copper sulfate from the composition of the nutrient medium with white phosphorus does not prevent the growth of fungi. In addition, white phosphorus does not react with the formation of a precipitate and remains for a longer period under these conditions. This fact is a serious argument in favor of biodegradation and has practical applicability in the method of microbial detoxification of white phosphorus. However, a higher resistance of AM1 in comparison to the ARCM strains was only observed in a medium with copper. Apparently, strain AM1 is most resistant to the toxic products from the reaction of white phosphorus with Cu2+. Our previous studies demonstrated for the first time the presence of genotoxic properties in white phosphorus. This in no doubt makes white phosphorus even more dangerous to handle. However, our initial studies were carried out on prokaryotes (Salmonella typhimurium). Since the genetic apparatus of prokaryotes is differently arranged than in eukaryotes (including humans), the results of the studies on Salmonella is not completely transferable to humans. In addition to the gene mutations studied by the Ames test and the SOS-lux test, which have a common nature in all living organisms, there are genomic rearrangements that should be studied in eukaryotes. For this purpose, an Allium test is used on onion rootlets (Allium cepa L.). In this work, we present the first report on the negative effect of white phosphorus on the cell cycle of eukaryotes by the Allium test method. It turned out that white phosphorus, even at very low concentrations of 0.01 %, exponentially increases the number of chromosomal aberrations.

URL: http://ejournal19.com/journals_n/1580129473.pdf
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5. Anton O. Nigten
Elements in Rye and Wheat at Different Times and Different Places (Review)

Biogeosystem Technique, 2019, 6(2): 114-131.
DOI: 10.13187/bgt.2019.2.114CrossRef

Grains constitute an important part of our daily food. And grains are also an important source of our daily magnesium supply. Especially wheat in the western countries. But the amount of magnesium in wheat has gone down dramatically with on average 19,6 %, as the data of Guo have shown. This has among others to do with soils, varieties and fertilizing. In this article the focus is on fertilizing. How can we change fertilizing in order to get better and healthier grains? Here is made a comparison between conventional fertilizing, and fertilizing with extra seaweed and other sea minerals, or with rock flour, or silt. The available data make clear that the type of fertilizer makes a big difference. The data on Non Protein Nitrogen (NPN) are missing because they are not available in the historical records, nor in most actual analyses. High levels of NPN (a.o. nitrate; ammonium; nitrogen dioxide) are a serious health risk. The grains with conventional fertilizing are no longer in balance. Sodium has gone down dramatically. And from trials with ryegrass we know that extra sodium helps to restore the balance between the macro elements. Calcium in most grains is low, but the balance of Ca/P in the wheat from Normandy is much higher (= better) than in the other grains. And the Ca/P on silted soils is even better than on soils fertilized with seaweed and seaminerals as in Normandy. Not only the grains and the potatoes from Normandy are more in balance, even the dung of the cows shows a somewhat healthier balance than modern cow dung. But here we can’t draw conclusions yet, because the data from different eras and places are not really comparable. With a good quality of vermicompost the balance in crops can be restored also. But here the rule is that the feeding material for the worms is decisive. Magnesium is very important for human health. The first Homo’s Sapienses are found in areas where the soil is very high in magnesium. This magnesium is erupted there bij earth mantle volcanoes. Many important food crops also originated in these magnesium rich centers of origin. But others came from fault lines which originated from colliding earth crust plates which have a granitic origin.

URL: http://ejournal19.com/journals_n/1580129495.pdf
Number of views: 801      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal19.com/journals_n/1580475495.pdf
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